Dear Future Officers,
I have made this document, keeping in mind the ques????ons that UPSC frames.
Instead of making it an isolated affairs, and simply copy pas????ng the stuff, I have included those details which are important from Prelims 2024 point of
though, definitely, you can use this document for Mains too.
This document has been divided into overall sec????ons
1. The budget details with elabora????on on schemes
2. Then, in the same in con????nua????on, I have included the PYQs which has been taken from UPSC as well as various other exams conducted by UPSC such
as NDA, CDS, CAPF AC, EPFO, CISF etc. Further, I have included the relavant ques????ons of State PSCs so that this document is an 360o for Budget needs of
UPSC PRELIMS (please note – I have excluded the irrelevant PYQs of state PSCs so that the ques????ons chosen remain relevant for UPSC)
3. Then, I have included few pages from the original budget file to give you feel of how they represent the data. Suitable instruc????ons have been
included wheresoever required
4. Then, I have included the 15th Finance Commission recommenda????ons
Note: there are many schemes which were men????oned in the budget speech of our Honorable Finance Minister. I have included its details at appropriate
places to make this document comprehension.
I hope, you will find this budget document crisp and to the point.
All the best
Neelesh Kumar Singh
AIR 442 UPSC CSE 2021